Landfill Permits & Inspections

Landfill Permits and Inspections

The Building & Zoning Department oversees the County’s Solid Waste Program, including landfill inspections and open dumping investigations.  The Illinois EPA has delegated its authority for inspection, investigation, and enforcement, to Madison County.  This partnership, which originally began in 1986, has been renewed every five (5) years and is coordinated with the County’s five-year solid waste plan. 

Landfill Inspections
Madison County inspectors have completed more than 5,000 inspections since our partnership with the Illinois EPA began in 30 years ago.  Three (3) staff are IEPA Certified Inspectors and monitor open landfills, closed landfills, waste transfer stations, landscape waste transfer stations, construction demolition debris transfer stations, and industrial landfills.  Inspections are made to ensure compliance of these sites with the Illinois Environmental Protection Act. 

Open Dumping Investigations
As part of its delegated obligations, Madison County inspectors also investigate complaints of open dumping throughout the county. 

Contact Information:

Chris Doucleff
Department Administrator
Office Phone:  (618) 296-4663
Email Address:
157 N. Main Street, Suite 254
Edwardsville, IL  62025

Rhonda Niles
Solid Waste Inspector
Phone: (618) 296-4655
157 N. Main Street, Suite 254
Edwardsville, IL  62025